Operator Swap is a card game built on the Unity platform with the purpose of instructing players on the concept of the order of operations. The gameplay consists of dealing a hand consisting of operands and operators, and asking the player to drag & drop cards from their hand to build an expression that satisfies an objective. Objectives take the form of creating an expression that evaluates either to a number smaller or larger than another number. Published here on Itch.io, Operator Swap can be played through an internet browser. The game can further scale by increasing or decreasing the size of the expression, expanding or shrinking the variety of operators allowed in the game mode, or by creating a more specific objective. The goal of the game is to encourage players to shift operators and operands around to manipulate the outcome of an expression. 

This game was made by: 
Meryam Esa

Alvin Lee

Seth Mak

Griffin Ellis

Max White

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